It's 8.00 pm and i'm very hunGry anD TheRe's NothIng to eaT. But I waNt to eaT, sO i geT aLL thE stUffs reaDy and heRe i Go...
To maKe a GarLic BreaD, U'll nEeD :
garLicS, GarLic PowDer anD ButteR. WheRe's D breaD?
(notes : How muCh u neEd depenDs On How MucH yOu waNt To eaT) :p
CleaN The GaRliC, crUsH them Like ThaT in D picTuRe. ThiS is WheRe U'vE gOt To HaVe paTience. The ideA is To ChoP Like a profeSsionaL CheF noT Like a BaMbIno!
MiX theM aLL uP...
HerE comEs The BreaD...
SpreaD The IngreDienTs On The breaD
(notes : You caN sPrEAd On BoTh siDeS if u waNt)
heaT uP d frying PaN anD ToasT 'em UntIl it beCome Like...
(noTes : yoU caN aDD some ButtEr On The OtheR side so it'll becoMe a Lil' yeLlowiSh)
leT iT BurN... (maKe sUre It's a ThirD degree BurN, I'm Not resPonsIbLe For aNy 4th deGree oNe)
This One....
taDa! a Nice Mug Of waRm PerSiaN eaRl GreY tea WoulD do...
TheRe's 2 reaSon wHy I waNna makE garlic BreaD :
1. becaUsE aM reaLLy, reaLLy HungRy
2. becaUse TheRe's BreaD, a breaD!!
3. reFer To reaSon no 1 and 2.
OMG!! i forGot The saLt... But weLL, I PreFeR No saLt, cuZ i think The ButteR is salTy eNouGh. But if You'Re a saLt-loveR, doozo...
Anak Pertama
1 month ago