Ada satu lagi. Terlebih dari buat saya kagum. Tuhan itu Maha hebat. Maha kaya. Lebih dari rasa kagum itu apa ya? Subhanallah. Subhanallah. Maha Suci Allah. Involuntary subfertility for 19 years. That one in her abdomen (more specific as them doctors called it - uterine) now is very precious. Very, very precious. Not a darling bud in May. Not a single wild rose in the dark forest. Its the one sun that brighten the day and the night (of course thru the reflection of the moon). Their soon born child. Subhanallah. Orang paling hebat. Paling tabah.
Setuju? Kau HARUS setuju.
B: Paling suka bila mahu potong tali pusat. "Puan, selawat ye puan, nak potong tali pusat ni..."