It's 8.00 pm and i'm very hunGry anD TheRe's NothIng to eaT. But I waNt to eaT, sO i geT aLL thE stUffs reaDy and heRe i Go...
To maKe a GarLic BreaD, U'll nEeD :
garLicS, GarLic PowDer anD ButteR. WheRe's D breaD?
(notes : How muCh u neEd depenDs On How MucH yOu waNt To eaT) :p
CleaN The GaRliC, crUsH them Like ThaT in D picTuRe. ThiS is WheRe U'vE gOt To HaVe paTience. The ideA is To ChoP Like a profeSsionaL CheF noT Like a BaMbIno!
MiX theM aLL uP...
HerE comEs The BreaD...
SpreaD The IngreDienTs On The breaD
(notes : You caN sPrEAd On BoTh siDeS if u waNt)
heaT uP d frying PaN anD ToasT 'em UntIl it beCome Like...
(noTes : yoU caN aDD some ButtEr On The OtheR side so it'll becoMe a Lil' yeLlowiSh)
leT iT BurN... (maKe sUre It's a ThirD degree BurN, I'm Not resPonsIbLe For aNy 4th deGree oNe)
This One....
taDa! a Nice Mug Of waRm PerSiaN eaRl GreY tea WoulD do...
TheRe's 2 reaSon wHy I waNna makE garlic BreaD :
1. becaUsE aM reaLLy, reaLLy HungRy
2. becaUse TheRe's BreaD, a breaD!!
3. reFer To reaSon no 1 and 2.
OMG!! i forGot The saLt... But weLL, I PreFeR No saLt, cuZ i think The ButteR is salTy eNouGh. But if You'Re a saLt-loveR, doozo...
It's been a long time, its been a LONG TIME, yeah...
lets get some nerves up on this....
Guess This Would be All, gueSs this Would be The End of iT, the end oF whateVeR she HaD StaRtEd Up eaRlieR, loNg aGo wheN u woUld've neVeR ThouGhT sHe woUlD dO ThIs. It's beeN liKe ThousaNds oF miNuteS, hundreds of Hours haD Gone bY, buT sHe StiLL aCt like LifE is SomeThiNg YoU must Go ThroUgH, nOt Live On. TheRe's a DiffeRence in It if u CoulD catCh the RhyThm noT thE soUnd. ShE saId, she's DonE wiTh iT, It's enoUgh aNd FoR sO manY timeS sHe kepT teLliNg this to herSelf oveR and OveR agaIn so ThaT she CoulD geT ThRouGh wiTh lifE aNd aGrEE wiTh wHateVer life waNts heR tO be. TheRe's No neEd to worrY oveR thiNgs thaT has paSSeD, it woUld JusT irRitaTe uR NeRveS so Ur BraIn will keeP replaYinG the pasT, thE yesterdays..... (thaT's whaT heR PsYcHolOgY lecTureR tOld heR so faR).
BuT, This Is IT? is It All?
OveRtime sHe kePt repeaTiNg ThiS PhrAse In heR BlurrEd MinD. BlurrEd by visIoN, unreaL but so stRoNg sHe caN't tossEd it awaY. By time, she caMe To the ConcLusIOn thaT sHe'll sTop aLl This NonsensE aNd d'u ThiNk shE dId?
ShE dId....
ThoUgH thE reSult seems UncleaR tO heR, ShE've maDe heR ChoIce AnD sHe'S GoiNg tO live WiTh It....
aNd wHicH is wHy sHe posTed This ...
HoLa eVeRyBodY, selamunalaikum (d turkisH style). sorrY foR the OveRlengTh, enOugH To saY thaT I'm baCk PosTiNg sOoN, thanx To this WireLeSS InteRneT coNnecTiOn thAt Come OuT of NowheRe aNd above All, ThaNx to Him, foR His wiLl is WhaT makEs Me, I aM todaY.
owH, i haTe To aDmit to Myself ThaT i Won't be Able to recaLL aLl the PAsT evEnts which haPpeNeD lasT teRm cuz aLl of theM Were preCiOus memOries aNd I meaNt To posT 'eM heRe, soRt oF to bE keeP heRe and ShaRe and reaD 'em oveRtimE....
But whaT's pasT is PAsT, aItE! lets waLk the FutUrE...
I have basketball gaMe To looK fOrwaRd to TomorRoW aNd
aN unFinisH CliNicaL suRgeRy Notes to be DonE beForE toMorrow (wEll, I hope sO)
forGoT to MenTiOn ThaT haLaQaH will staRT on WednesdaY nexT weeK, one of The maNy thIngS I'm looKinG forwaRd Too.... LiFe is BorEd, ThaT's whaT I meaN.
p/s : theRe's Only ThrEe of us leFt, me, atiqah and madihah. One Of Our RoomaTes, faRhana, geT maRRieD n live somewHerE elSe. maY ALLAH bleSS heR aNd heR faMily, ameen...
I leaVe u wiTh This cLip frOm Koi No cHikaRa serieS, (not thaT I've waTcheD The SerieS bUt It's JusT so kawaii.....) ;>
(i doN't UnderStaNd aNy words theY saId, so doN't asK me)