(Bismillahi tawakkaltu a'lallah)
Dan apakah mereka tidak berjalan di muka bumi, lalu melihat bagaimana kesudahan orang-orang yang sebelum mereka, sedangkan orang-orang itu adalah lebih besar kekuatannya dari mereka? Dan tiada sesuatupun yang dapat melemahkan Allah baik di langit maupun di bumi. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui lagi Maha Kuasa. (Surah Faathir:44)
02. For You - Ghazzah (and for Islam!)
(the tested people)
I wish,
I could be there;
Standing beside you,
throwing rocks and shoes,
(or whatever my hand could grasp)
right on their hated faces.
I wish,
I could be there,
running with you;
brave, dauntless,
not looking back -
chasing them American bulldozers.
(if only I could kick their ass!)
I wish,
I could be there,
screaming out loud;
facing them like,
I have a thousand more -
lives to spare.
I wish,
I could be there,
saving lives,
giving hopes,
and make less,
the heaps of -
the mounted dead bodies.
No, I won't cry,
but I would stay strong,
and be with you;
stand beside you,
run alongside you,
helping you!
a wish is nothing but -
a wish is nothing but -
a wish!
hence; my du'a, my heart, my mind
will always be,
with you Ghazzah;
just for you!
( Allahumman suril Islama wal mujahideena fi ghazzah!)
13 Januari 2008,
Dr.Jemilah (MERCY) trying to cross Rafah border to Palestine. May we all take courage from her.
*Gambar 01 - Kembara 2008 (Venice, Italy)