10 hours from now, i will be onboard the plane to Ukraine
so goodbye Malaysia.....
I'm gonna miss everything!!!
Though a lot of ideas for entry to post here, time is running out, just this one post and done!!!
Anyway, just wanna ask for apology from friends, teachers, relatives and whoever i hadn't time to meet. InsyaAllah, the next time!!!
I missed one and a half weeks of class, so gotta do some reworking first and settle my medical check up.
Whatever, this year gonna be the tough one, BIG exams and all, aaarrggghhh....
O' Allah, let me have patience in me....Ameen
like one of my friend said,
"....though i hate leaving Malaysia, i have to admit i feel uneasy with no wise people say...studying is an ongoing process...and i seriously can't wait for the coming 4 years to end!!!!huhu"
Well, she's right....
not that i agree but she had the point! =)
p/s : will not be posting maybe for a month. =(
Anak Pertama
2 months ago
2 buah bicara:
don't forget the intention..
study for the sake of Allah
selamat mula study..semoga tahun ini lebih cemerlang..good luck..
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Assalamualaikum teman-teman, terima kasih kerana sudi meninggalkan jejak bicara kamu, sekurang-kurang kalian telah hadir menceriakan hari-hari saya di persimpangan ini. Jazakumullah!!