I love this poem very much, but i didn't know who's the author. Found it in one of Abu Hassan Morad's Islamic Novel -Julia-. I copied it, and have been keeping it for quite a long time. It's indeed a very good reminding poem.
Frenetic and heartless life may seem,
Enjoy your time here is no in between,
Years disappears gone so very fast,
Hold on to all you have make it last.
Consciously unaware of threatening skies,
many thoughts flash before your eyes.
Times were tough had to fill the larder,
Maybe sometimes could have tried a bit harder.
Children grow quickly and drift away,
Some come back just to say g'day.
If by some chance we could have our lives over,
Yes, we would know it is not all clover.
As we look back we have stood the test,
Now it is time for a bloody long test.
"...These were ever quick in emulation in goodworks; they used to call on Us in love and reverence, and humble themselves before Us."
Anak Pertama
2 months ago
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Assalamualaikum teman-teman, terima kasih kerana sudi meninggalkan jejak bicara kamu, sekurang-kurang kalian telah hadir menceriakan hari-hari saya di persimpangan ini. Jazakumullah!!