"Huh?!!" Gasping, my jaw dropping, eyes bulging wide with excitement. The things I just saw tempting me towards them even more closely. Books on the shelf. Here? In this small town? English? Something that's legible to me. That's rare. And there's just soooo much of them like I've never seen here before in Ukraine, let alone in Simferopol (well, if you count two full racks, three lines of books each and situated at only one corner of the big room, that's already more than enough in the country where I study). Too bad my birthday had passed. I'd forced my friends to buy all these for me. Each and everyone of them. Nevermind, there's still next year. Last next year. Ha ha.
While helping myself browsing through each, I can't help but thinking,
So what, if we don't have Borders or MPH or Kinokuniya or W.H. Smith here?
Or maybe Minerva, Pustaka Salam or Pustaka so on?
So what?
So, they don't have a lot of international bestsellers though. Yeah, Jodi Picoult's are there. Old stuffs. Some kid's books and teenager's. Hurm, so I bought this two (which cost me only UAH 13):
- Anybody Out There by Marian Keyes
- A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khalid Hosseini (the author of The Kite Runner)
Oh yeah, they're second-hands (I guess, some Londoners or Americans dumped/donated them. Not that I have any problem with that. Thanks anyway). Who cares? As long as they're in good condition and readable to me, I'm on it.
I'll start with the blue one during my free time (as if I have enough). But since I've finished the Twilight Saga, this will do for the time being (I mean, I just can't help it you know). The yellow one? That's special. Some inspiration I need. Setting in Kabul, Afghanistan. With Taliban and stuff. Oh, yeah. That's something.
Don't blame me. A month and a half without internet had turned me into that-girl-with-books again. Sorry to say, but I just can't stop once I've started. They're just like, my personal brand of heroine, you know. Books.
Can't wait for 'Nama Beta Sultan Alauddin' by FT's. Ordered a week ago. I'll tell you what. Not worth it buying online when you're living in Simferopol. Tax charge, shipping charge. Doubled the price of the book itself. Guess, I'll just wait till I'm back in Malaysia. I wished they have FT's here (well, that's like wishing they start selling garcinia mangostana or carica papaya in the market here). Sigh.
Outside the story: It seems like Simferopol has turned into some place you-can-eat-anywhere-you-please with branches of Halal food restaurants blooming up everywhere. Turkish, Tartarian and of course Arabic cuisines just around the corner I'd never encountered before during my fresh year. If to say it out loud - it's because we're here that they open the restaurants. The Muslims. The prices are reasonable enough but still a bit overbudget to put it between my pocket money. Still, as much as I can say - Malaysian foods won't survive here. Sigh again.
Foot notes:
Garcinia mangostana = Manggislah. Gotcha!
Carica papaya = Go back to kindergarden if you don't know this!
So what, right?

14 buah bicara:
lama x dengar cerita dari kamu,
xde internet ye..
memang dr dulu perasan suka baca buku.. ;)
Ada kala, buku menjadi ubat tidur buat kak su... huhu... Teruk kan? Muungkin kak su ni cacing buku je, bukan ulat buku. hahaha. Tgh cuba nak tukar identiti jadi ulat buku ni... terutama buku ilmiah. Kalau novel, mmg dah lama berulat pun... :D
salam Faiz,
Hehe, kalau selalu update nanti orang kata tak belajar ke budak ni? Haha...
Alhamdulillah, sekarang dah ada balik...
yep, buku2x..
Oh, iyer? Hehe...
Salam kakchik. Kakchik memang selalu terkehadapan dari saya. Huhu....
Salam kembali Kak Su...
Betul!! Nak senang tidur ambil buku baca, nak leagi cepat, ambil buku teks, kihkihkih... Itulah, Kak Su, saya pun sama jugalah macam Kak Su. haih, bilalah naks edar-sedar diri ni, huhu...
nampaknya belajar di luar negara tak semudah yang saya sangkakan..makanan+suasana=macama-macam hal..sikit lagi nak habis..hmm..
ada kawan lama belajar di Nizhny Novgorod, tapi tidak berhubung sekian lama..tak mengapalah jumpa sahabat maya dari Ukraine pun ok..hehe..wahai mujahidah berjuanglah di jalan Allah..moga berjaya wahai bakal-bakal doktor..
tak tahulah kenapa dulu umi dan abi ingat saya mahu jadi doktor...tapi Biologi bukan subjek kegemaran..perancangan yang saya lakukan tapi Allah jua menentukan..pasti ada hikmah disebaliknya..wassalam
Huhu, saya okay sahaja. Cuma teramat-amat teruja bila tengok buku yang sanagt banyak, huhu... Buku online saya beli kalau ada betul2 yang berminat sahaja dan mmg nak buat koleksi.
Betul, perlu banyak kesabaran belajar di luar negara. sebenarnya belajar di aman-mana pun sama sahaja, asalkan rajin berusaha, InsyaALlah...
Nizhny? Huhu, macam mana boleh terlost contact? InsyaAllah, nanti ada rezeki, terjumpalah balik tu...Terima kasih atas doa...
ya, betul... akak pun tak tahulah camana boleh amik doktor, perancangan yang akak lakukan tapi Allah jua yang menentukan... pasti ada hikmah disebaliknya...wassalam kembali...
Saya masih lagi menjamu selera santapan khaled hosseini: A thousand splendid suns. Masih bersisa 150 muka surat. Ingin saya bagitau, sangat mantap. 2 thumbs up! Memang tak rugi baca.
Sememangnya bila ketagih itu datang, ia takkan mampu dihilangkan begitu sahaja.
Selamat menjamu selera.
Owh? ini yang membuatkan saya tidak sabar untuk mengulitinya... Buku-buku apa lagi yang kamus elalu baca ya, Hana? tentu kamu mengikuti tulisan-tulisan penulis tertentu... Kalau boleh kongsikan dengan saya? Sebab buku2 yang kamu baca nampak menarik juga, huhu...
Semalam saya berjalan-jalan di bookstore di Bandung. Dan saya jumpa dua buah buku yang kamu beli itu. Ringan saja mahu membelinya tapi harganya mencapai ratusan ribu rupiah. Saya hanya membeli The Kite Runner by Khalid Hosseini. Ingin mengenali tulisan pertamanya dahulu. Tentu kamu sudah membacanya kan? Jatuh cinta dengan sinopsisnya yang menarik. :) Terima kasih untuk perkongsian kamu Balqis. Membuka hati saya untuk membaca tulisan Khalid Hosseini.
Dear Balqis.
Lol. I undertsnad your excitment. I can sensed that too!
Happy reading and keep well okey?*Hugs!
Nama kamu Nisa' kan, betulkan? Maaf kalau tersilap.
Wow ratusan ribu rupiah. Bunyinya memang terlalu banyak. Saya belum membaca The Kite Runner lagi, tapi sudah menonton filemnya. InsyaAllah, ada rezeki nanti saya cuba cari The Kite Runner pula. Sama-sama. Kalau kamu ada buku-buku yang menarik bolehlah juga ebrkongsi dengan saya, ya. Teringin juga mahu tahu buku apa yang kamu sering baca.
Salam, kak Sumayyah deary..
Hehe, sure, sure. You must also be a bookworm to have sensed what I felt.
Okay, InsyaAllah. You too, okay? *Hugs back*
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